Edge Assisted Real-time Object Detection for Mobile Augmented Reality. Most existing Augmented Reality (AR)/Mixed Reality (MR) systems are able to understand the 3D geometry of the surroundings but lack the ability to detect and classify complex objects in the real world. Such capabilities can be enabled with deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), but it remains difficult to execute large networks on mobile devices. Offloading object detection to the edge or cloud is also very challenging due to the stringent requirements on high detection accuracy and low end-to-end latency. The long latency of existing offloading techniques can significantly reduce the detection accuracy due to changes in the user’s view. To address the problem, we design a system that enables high accuracy object detection for commodity AR/MR system running at 60fps. The system employs low latency offloading techniques, decouples the rendering pipeline from the offloading pipeline, and uses a fast object tracking method to maintain detection accuracy. [MobiCom 2019 Paper]
Cutting the Cord: Designing a High-quality Untethered VR System with Low Latency Remote Rendering. This work introduces an end-to-end untethered VR system design and open platform that can meet virtual reality latency and quality requirements at 4K resolution over a wireless link. High-quality VR systems generate graphics data at a data rate much higher than those supported by existing wireless-communication products such as Wi-Fi and 60GHz wireless communication. The necessary image encoding, makes it challenging to maintain the stringent VR latency requirements. To achieve the required latency, our system employs a Parallel Rendering and Streaming mechanism to reduce the add-on streaming latency, by pipelining the rendering, encoding, transmission and decoding procedures. Furthermore, we introduce a Remote VSync Driven Rendering technique to minimize display latency. To evaluate the system, we implement an end-to-end remote rendering platform on commodity hardware over a 60Ghz wireless network. Results show that the system can support current 2160x1200 VR resolution at 90Hz with less than 16ms end-to-end latency, and 4K resolution with 20ms latency, while keeping a visually lossless image quality to the user. [MobiSys 2018 Paper] [APSys 2017 Paper] [MobiCom 2017 App Contest Video]
BigRoad: Scaling Road Data Acquisition for Dependable Self-Driving. Developing dependable self-driving technologies requires an understanding of not just common highway and city traffic situations but also a plethora of widely different unusual events (e.g., object on roadway and pedestrian crossing highway, etc.). The average human driver achieves on the order of almost 100 million vehicle miles traveled per fatality. Demonstrating driving performance at an above-average, advanced human driver level will therefore require successfully avoiding fatalities with unusual events that might be encountered within a billion miles of driving. By developing technology to scale road data acquisition to a large number of vehicles, we introduce a low-cost yet reliable solution, BigRoad, that can derive internal driver inputs (i.e., steering wheel angles, driving speed and acceleration) and external perceptions of road environments (i.e., road conditions and front-view video) using a smartphone and an IMU mounted in a vehicle. [MobiSys 2017 Paper] [SenSys 2018 Paper] [MobiSys 2017 1-min Video] [MobiCom 2016 App Contest Video]
Driver Phone Use Detection Leveraging Sensors in Smartphones and Smartwatches. Distracted driving due to mobile devices contributes to nearly one thousand fatalities per year and is now receiving attention not only from government regulators but also within the highest executive levels of the mobile industry. This project seeks to utilize various sensors integrated in smartphones, e.g., accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometers, to effectively determine whether the phone is used on the driver side or passenger side, which can facilitate many traffic safety applications. [SECON 2018 Paper] [INFOCOM 2016 Paper] [TMC Paper] [WearSys 2015 Paper]
Modeling the effect of exposure notification and non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 transmission in Washington state |
Matthew Abueg, Robert Hinch, Neo Wu, Luyang Liu, William Probert, Austin Wu, Paul Eastham, Yusef Shafi, Matt Rosencrantz, Michael Dikovsky, Zhao Cheng, Anel Nurtay, Lucie Abeler-Dörner, David Bonsall, Michael V. McConnell, Shawn O’Banion, Christophe Fraser. |
in npj Digital Medicine - Nature. |
Elf: Accelerate High-resolution Mobile Deep Vision with Content-aware Parallel Offloading |
Wuyang Zhang, Zhezhi He, Luyang Liu, Zhenhua Jia, Yunxin Liu, Marco Gruteser, Dipankar Raychaudhuri, Yanyong Zhang. |
in Proceedings of the 27th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom 2021). |
New Orleans, LA, USA, October 2021. (Acceptance rate: 19/113 = 16.8%) |
EdgeSharing: Edge Assisted Real-time Localization and Object Sharing in Urban Streets |
Luyang Liu, Marco Gruteser. |
in Proceedings of the 40th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2021). |
Virtual Conference, May 2021. (Acceptance rate: 252/1266 = 19.9%) |
Examining COVID-19 Forecasting using Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Networks |
Amol Kapoor, Xue Ben, Luyang Liu, Bryan Perozzi, Matt Barnes, Martin Blais, Shawn O'Banion. |
in MLG workshop @ KDD'2020. |
Virtual Conference, August 2020. |
Edge Assisted Real-time Object Detection for Mobile Augmented Reality |
Luyang Liu, Hongyu Li, Marco Gruteser. |
in Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom 2019). |
Los Cabos, Mexico, October 2019. (Acceptance rate: 55/290 = 19.0%)[Slides] |
HandSense: Capacitive coupling-based Dynamic, Micro Finger Gesture Recognition |
Viet Nguyen, Siddharth Rupavatharam, Luyang Liu, Richard Howard, Marco Gruteser. |
in Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (ACM SenSys 2019). |
New York, NY, USA, November 2019. (Acceptance rate: 28/144 = 19.4%) |
Hetero-Edge: Orchestration of Real-time Vision Applications on Heterogeneous Edge Clouds |
Wuyang Zhang, Sugang Li, Luyang Liu, Zhenhua Jia, Yanyong Zhang and Dipankar Raychaudhuri. |
in Proceedings of the 38th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2019). |
Paris, France, April/May 2019. (Acceptance rate: 288/1464 = 19.7%) |
Automatic Unusual Driving Event Identification for Dependable Self-Driving |
Hongyu Li, Hairong Wang, Luyang Liu, Marco Gruteser. |
in Proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (ACM SenSys 2018). |
Shenzhen, China, November 2018. (Acceptance rate: 23/147= 15.6%) |
Cutting the Cord: Designing a High-quality Untethered VR System with Low Latency Remote Rendering |
Luyang Liu, Ruiguang Zhong, Wuyang Zhang, Yunxin Liu, Jiansong Zhang, Lintao Zhang, Marco Gruteser. |
in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (ACM MobiSys 2018). |
Munich, Germany, June 2018. (Acceptance rate: 37/138 = 26.8%) [Presentation Video] [Slides] |
Single-sensor Motion and Orientation Tracking in a Moving Vehicle |
Cagdas Karatas, Luyang Liu, Marco Gruteser, Richard Howard. |
in Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking (IEEE SECON 2018). |
Hong Kong, China, June 2018. (Acceptance rate: 49/211 = 23.2%) |
BigRoad: Scaling Road Data Acquisition for Dependable Self-Driving |
Luyang Liu, Hongyu Li, Jian Liu, Cagdas Karatas, Yan Wang, Marco Gruteser, Yingying Chen, Richard Martin. |
in Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (ACM MobiSys 2017). |
Niagara Falls, NY, USA, June 2017. (Acceptance rate: 34/191 = 17.8%) [1-min Video] [Presentation Video] [Slides] |
On Building a Programmable Wireless High-Quality Virtual Reality System Using Commodity Hardware |
Ruiguang Zhong, Manni Wang, Zijian Chen, Luyang Liu, Yunxin Liu, Jiansong Zhang, Lintao Zhang, Thomas Moscibroda. |
in Proceedings of the 8th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems (ACM APSys 2017). |
Mumbai, India, September 2017. |
Leveraging Wearables for Steering and Driver Tracking |
Cagdas Karatas, Luyang Liu, Hongyu Li, Jian Liu, Yan Wang, Sheng Tan, Jie Yang, Yingying Chen, Marco Gruteser, Richard Martin. |
in Proceedings of the 35th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2016). |
San Francisco, CA, USA, April 2016. (Acceptance rate: 300/1644 = 18.25%) |
Towards Safer Texting While Driving Through Stop Time Prediction |
Hongyu Li, Luyang Liu, Cagdas Karatas, Jian Liu, Marco Gruteser, Yingying Chen, Yan Wang, Richard Martin, Jie Yang. |
in Proceedings of the First ACM International Workshop on Smart, Autonomous, and Connected Vehicular Systems and Services (CarSys 2016). |
New York, NY, USA, October 2016. |
Determining Driver Phone Use by Exploiting Smartphone Integrated Sensors |
Yan Wang, Yingying Chen, Jie Yang, Marco Gruteser, Richard Martin, Hongbo Liu, Luyang Liu, Cagdas Karatas. |
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 15.8 (2016): 1965-1981. |
Toward Detection of Unsafe Driving with Wearables |
Luyang Liu, Cagdas Karatas, Hongyu Li, Sheng Tan, Marco Gruteser, Jie Yang, Yingying Chen, Richard P. Martin. |
in Proceedings of Workshop on Wearable Systems and Applications (WearSys 2015). |
Florence, Italy, May 2015. |
Note: This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
Edge Assisted Real-time Object Detection for Mobile Augmented Reality. |
- ACM MobiCom 19, Los Cabos, Mexico, October 2019. |
Enabling High-quality Mobile VR/AR System through Edge Cloud Support. |
- Amazon Go, Boston, MA, USA, November 2018. |
- Facebook Reality Lab (Oculus Research), Redmond, WA, USA, December 2018. |
- ByteDance AI Lab, Palo Alto, CA, USA, Feburary 2019. |
Cutting the Cord: Designing a High-quality Untethered VR System with Low Latency Remote Rendering. |
- ACM MobiSys 18, Munich, Germany, June 2018. |
- AT&T lab, Bedminster, NJ, USA, May 2018. |
BigRoad: Scaling Road Data Acquisition for Dependable Self-Driving. |
- ACM MobiSys 17, Niagara Falls, NY, USA, June 2017. |
Toward Detection of Unsafe Driving with Wearables. |
- ACM MobiSys 15, Florence, Italy, May 2015. |
ECE 451/566 - Parallel and Distributed Computing. - Fall 2015 |
ENG 127 - Introduction to Computers for Engineers. - Spring 2016 |
ECE 233 - Digital Logic Design Lab. - Fall 2016 |
ECE 563 - Computer Architecture. - Fall 2017 |
ACM MobiSys'17 Ph.D Forum Best Presentation Runner-up Award |
ACM MobiCom'17 App Contest Finalist |
ACM MobiCom'16 App Contest Finalist |
ACM MobiSys'15 Student Travel Grants |
ACM SenSys 2020, 2021 |
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing |
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications |
Pervasive and Mobile Computing |
UbiComp 2016 (External Reviewer) |
| News!
Jan 2021
Our paper "Modeling the effect of exposure notification and non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 transmission in Washington state" has been accepted to npj Digital Medicine. NEW!
Our paper "Elf: Accelerate High-resolution Mobile Deep Vision with Content-aware Parallel Offloading" has been accepted to ACM MobiCom 2021. NEW!
Dec 2020
Invited to serve as TPC for SenSys 2021, ICDCS 2021, SECON 2021, and IOTDI 2021. Consider submitting. NEW!
Jul 2019
Our paper "HandSense: Capacitive coupling-based Dynamic, Micro Finger Gesture Recognition" has been accepted to ACM SenSys 2019.
May 2019
I successfully defended my Ph.D degree and will join Google Research working on personal on-device AI.
Nov 2018
Our paper "Hetero-Edge: Orchestration of Real-time Vision Applications on Heterogeneous Edge Clouds" has been accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2019.
Oct 2018
Our paper "Edge Assisted Real-time Object Detection for Mobile Augmented Reality" has been accepted to ACM MobiCom 2019.
Jul 2018
Our paper "Automatic Unusual Driving Event Identification for Dependable Self-Driving" has been conditionally accepted to ACM SenSys 2018.
Jun 2018
I presented our low-latency and high-quality VR system paper in MobiSys 2018.
Mar 2018
Our paper "Single-sensor Motion and Orientation Tracking in a Moving Vehicle" has been accepted to IEEE SECON 2018.
Feb 2018
Our paper "Cutting the Cord: Designing a High-quality Untethered VR System with Low Latency Remote Rendering" has been accepted to ACM MobiSys 2018.
Invited as a TPC member for MobiSys PhD Forum 2018, consider submitting!
Oct 2017
Our App to enable untethered VR experience has been accepted to the finallist of ACM MobiCom 2017! Watch the short video here.
Jun 2017
I presented our paper BigRoad in MobiSys 2017.
I received Best Presentation Runner-up Award from MobiSys 2017 PhD Forum.
Feb 2017
Our paper "BigRoad: Scaling Road Data Acquisition for Dependable Self-Driving" has been accepted to ACM MobiSys 2017.
Sep 2016
Our AutoLogger App has been accepted to the finallist of ACM MobiCom 2016! Watch the short video here.
Feb 2016
I was in charge of presentation recording in ACM HotMobile 2016.
Nov 2015
Our paper "Leveraging Wearables for Steering and Driver Tracking" has been accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2016.
May 2015
I have received Student Travel Grant from ACM MobiSys 2015.