

WINLAB’s primary research and administrative operations are located at the Rutgers Technology Center II, at 671 US Route One, just south of the Cook Campus.

Faculty advising offices and a satellite administrative office are also located on the 5th Floor of the CORE building in Busch Campus near the Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science departments. Total floor space at these two locations is approximately 18,000 sq-ft including about 7000 sq-ft of laboratories, including:

  • Radio Technology Laboratory (Tech Center C119)
  • Mobile Networking & Protocols Laboratory (CoRE 529)
  • Sensor Device Laboratory (CoRE 548)
  • ORBIT Wireless Network Testbed (C116, C117)


WINLAB has the capability of fabricating prototype devices and printed circuits with K&S wedge bonder, SMT rework equipment as well as various FPGA development platforms and programmable embedded platforms (APTIX, GNU radio USRP, etc.). The laboratories are also equipped with various network analyzers, RF spectrum analyzers, high-speed digitizing oscilloscopes, function generators, power meters and other general purpose laboratory equipment (shielded enclosures, antennas, etc.). WINLAB also maintains state-of-the-art computing facilities including computing cluster, multiple storage servers and a large number of networked computers and laptops. The center maintains software licenses for a variety specialized wireless communications and general purpose simulation tools.

WINLAB Community Testbed Resources

WINLAB provides community access to a number of research testbeds and wireless platforms designed to facilitate research on wireless/mobile technologies, networks and systems. Current capabilities include:

  • The WISER software defined radio platform: WISER is a high-performance wideband software defined radio (SDR) which can be used to conduct a variety of cognitive radio experiments for evaluation of dynamic spectrum access (DSA) techniques.
  • The ORBIT testbed: ORBIT is a large-scale wireless networking testbed designed to support programmable experimentation across a range of radio technologies, wireless/wireless system topologies and protocol designs. WINLAB has operated ORBIT as a community resource since 2005 and it currently supports over 1000 users worldwide running a variety of cognitive radio, networking and security experiments.
  • The GENI/CloudLab/Fabric campus network testbed: WINLAB operates one of several open wireless campus networks in GENI (Global Environment for Network Innovation) enabling mobile networking and computing experiments in real-world users in future cellular/hetnet/vehicular scenarios.
  • The COSMOS Advanced Wireless testbed: (link to COSMOS website)  COSMOS is WINLAB’s most recent testbed project aimed at enabling experimentation with 5G and beyond wireless access networks integrated with high-performance and low latency edge computing
  • COSM-IC international network testbed intended to interconnected COSMOS with network research partners in Europe, Japan and South America.