Information and Network Security

Spring 2006


Lecturer: Professor Trappe
When: MW 1:40-3:00 PM
Where: SEC-207

The Course Syllabus can be downloaded from here.

Exams and Solutions

There will be two exams this semester.  Exam 1 is scheduled for March 22nd, 2006.

Exam 1 Solutions

Exam 2: Has not been officially scheduled. Target time frame is last week of April.

Supplemental Material

Starting March 27th, we will have a series of lectures using slides.

1. Information Theory Overview: Slides (Monday, March 27th)

2. Information Theoretic Security: Slides

3. Key Distribution: Slides

4. Security Protocols: Slides   (Monday, April 10th. We will spend two days going over this material.)

5. Supplemental Reading Assignment, “Prudent Engineering Practice for Cryptographic Protocols,” by Abadi and Needham




Computer Project 1: Build a Large Integer Math library for MATLAB.

(Teams of 3)

Due February 13, 2006

Homework Assignment 1: From Chapters 2 and 3


Do not turn in homework, but definitely do the homework!

Computer Project 2: Implement Baby DES in MATLAB (Teams of 3/4)


Due March 8, 2006

Homework Assignment 2: Chapter 4, Problems 1, 3, 4, 7



Homework Assignment 3: Chapter 6, Problems 1, 2, 8, 12, 23


Also, How would you find the first 3 digit prime?



Final Project: Search a memory dump to find hidden keys in order to decrypt an encrypted file.


Project Description: here


Memory Dump can be obtained from here


Encrypted (GIF) file can be obtained from here


Notes: The ciphterext file is an encrypted GIF file that was encrypted with AES using a 128 bit key in CBC mode with an IV of 0.




Homework Assignment 4: Download from here





Security Protocols Lecture, see slides above


Supplemental Reading Assignment: Read the paper by Abadi and Needham


Homework Assignment 5: Chapter 15, Problems 2, 5, 9, 10

