This describes my webglimpse experience. What a mess! Install the /usr/ports/www/webglimpse package. I came up two problems with this. First problem: The cgi setup in the httpd.conf file was pointing at /usr/local/share instead of /usr/local/www. After I fixed that, I went to /usr/local/www and cleaned it out a bit (remove cgi-bin stuff and data links). You also need this in httpd.conf (or apache.conf). Note that the automated testbed install has this, but check anyway. Options MultiViews AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow from all Second problem: The webglimpse/wginstall perl program is broken. Some mkdir had to be commnented out. It also crapped out chmoding the stuff it installed into /usr/local/www/cgi-bin to 755. I just did it by hand cause I don't want to mess with it. Note, its probably a good idea to remove the other stuff from cgi-bin. Okay, so now its installed: cd /usr/testbed mkdir webglimpse cd webglimpse /usr/local/www/webglimpse/confarc Answer the questions. Pretty obvious, although you want D(directory) searching, and you want to store the files in /usr/testbed/webglimpse, but you want to *search* /usr/testbed/www. Next edit .wgfilter-index and add these lines at the top to keep from indexing the source code and other stuff we do not want to leak out. Deny (^|/)webglimpse Allow \.html?$ Deny .* Now run wgreindex in that directory again. Next edit archive.cfg and change the urlpath line: urlpath Now for the really ugly one. We need to arrange for the files to go through the doc wrappers! That means editing the webglimpse perl code in one spot. In /usr/local/www/webglimpse/lib/, change the makeLinkOutput function to this: sub makeLinkOutput { my $self = shift; my($link, $title, $date) = @_; if ($link =~ /^(.*)\/(.*\..*)$/) { $link = "$main::urlpath$1/docwrapper.php3?docname=$2\n"; } my $retstring = "
"; $retstring .= $title.", $date
\n"; return $retstring; }