Stuff I did to make a node image for University of Kentucky and Georgia Tech. Much of this overlaps with local image creation (see newimage.txt). Start with one of our freshly loaded images. A. FreeBSD (while running single user): * Make sure local filesystems are mounted: mount -at ufs * /root/.cvsup/auth Customize host/domain, change the password. Then run "cvpasswd" giving the password just used. Put the line spit out by cvpasswd in the boss node's /usr/testbed/sup/cvsupd.passwd file. * /root/.ssh Remove known_hosts if it exists. Put in local boss root pub key. Leave in our pub key if acceptible. * /etc/localtime Copy the correct file over from /usr/share/zoneinfo * /usr/local/etc/emulab/master.passwd Change the root password, this file will get installed by prepare. * /etc/ssh/ssh_host* Generate new host keys. Actually, copy from an existing image if available (i.e., we use a single host key across all images and OSes within a testbed). * /etc/emulab/{client,emulab}.pem Generate new ones. This needs to be done on the site's boss node. Go into the build tree "ssl" subdirectory and edit the * files to update the "[ req_distinguished_name ]" section with the appropriate country, state, city, etc. Then do a "gmake boss-installX" which generates the certs and installs the server-side. Grab the emulab.pem and client.pem from that directory to put in the images. * Unmount filesystems, and remount root read-only to be safe: cd / umount -h umount -at ufs mount -u -o ro / B. While running Linux (single user): * /root/.cvsup/auth Customize host/domain, leave password alone? * /root/.ssh Remove known_hosts if it exists. Put in local boss root pub key. Leave in our pub key if acceptible. * /etc/localtime Copy the correct file over from /usr/share/zoneinfo * /etc/ssh/ssh_host* Generate new host keys. Actually, copy from an existing image if available (i.e., we use a single host key across all images and OSes within a testbed). * /etc/testbed/shadow Change the root password, this file will get installed by prepare. * /etc/testbed/{client,emulab}.pem Generate new ones. This needs to be done on the site's boss node. Go into the build tree "ssl" subdirectory and edit the * files to update the "[ req_distinguished_name ]" section with the appropriate country, state, city, etc. Then do a "gmake boss-installX" which generates the certs and installs the server-side. Grab the emulab.pem and client.pem from that directory to put in the images. * Remount root filesystem read-only (IMPORTANT!) cd / mount -o remount,ro / * Fsck it for good luck. Actually, not only good luck but also resets some time stamp that forces an fsck periodically fsck -f D. Frisbee MFS (boss:/tftpboot/frisbee/boot/mfsroot): E. FreeBSD MFS (boss:/tftpboot/boot/mfsroot):